Monday, June 18, 2012

Ice hockey "hot" training

June 16, 2012
Ice hockey "hot" training

Christian Athletes Club, Erzurum, ice hockey athletes, athletes in the United States has launched a project to ensure that the fusion.

Prepared by Christian Athletes Club, "Religions and Cultures cohesion" project U.S.from coming to Erzurum, 2 coaches, including one of the three-person team of professional ice hockey player, 500 Ice Hockey Hall of Erzurum began training athletes . coaches Rick Randazzo, told reporters, the friendship between the two religions and two cultures, aimed to consolidate the fraternity said, soccer practice, athletes said they would work to improve their skills. Turkey hokeycilerle young ice, trying to tell they wanted to gain experience Randazzo, said: " We come here a few times a year here, children, and if necessary the United States to take the two religions, as well as aiming to achieve a fusion between two cultures. Athletes with their own clubs, and friendly with the two sides to each other, both brothers want to do. Since we are a small group carrying out this work only in Turkey. Working with young ice hokeycilerle Turkey, we aim to provide them to gain experience. Working in Erzurum, the U.S. 'ice hockey coach with Mc. Thanks to Keith Adams came here. The friendship and the U.S.'biggest goal is to move to. " Randazzo, in future years to ensure cohesion between the two religions and cultures, as well as making material aid athletes in ice hockey in Turkey, the United States 'plan to bring Turkey in the famous ice hockey players he said. U.S. players, Gary Steffes Club in Tulsa Oliers talented young people in Turkey said they were very willing to learn and ice hockey. "Interfaith and Multicultural Integration" project, organized under the four-day training.